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Getting to know Mattias Ekström

Princess torte, Jimmie Johnson's NASCAR helmet, and why you should visit Sweden in July: Mattias shares his secrets


Read time: 4.6 minutes

Having competed in almost every racing series on the planet, there’s little left to discover of Mattias’ talents on track, but his life away from the limelight still remains somewhat of a mystery, with the Swede preferring the quiet life to one in the public eye.  

However, we’re an inquisitive bunch here at McLaren and asked the Swede to shed some light on his life away from the circuit, from his childhood in Sweden to his most treasured possession and his dream birthday cake. Here’s what the NEOM McLaren Extreme E Team driver had to say…  

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Where did you grow up?  

I grew up in the countryside in Sweden, which was dark and snowy in the winter and bright and sunny in the summer.  

What is your most treasured possession? 

Jimmie Johnson's NASCAR helmet, which I still have at home. I’d dreamt of competing in NASCAR for years. I admired Jimmie Johnson's style, his results, and the way he did things. For me, he is one of, if not the best, guy in motorsport. He has won so much and if you meet him in person, you can only say ‘wow’. For me, he’s the Roger Federer of motorsport.  

What is your dream birthday cake? 

Princess torte. It’s Swedish and so sweet. As a kid, I loved it. It’s less about the taste now and more about the meaning of it now because as a kid, I remember being given this green, super sweet dessert.  

Who are your best friends in racing? 

It would be my co-driver, as they're the only driver I don’t have to compete against when I go racing. If you get into racing looking for a friend, you should buy a dog! 

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Do you have a favourite cheat meal? 

Everyone who knows me knows I am boring and rarely eat unhealthy food, but I would say pizza or burgers.  

What is the best thing about being a racing driver? 

Most of the time, you have Mondays off!  

When you were growing up, which racing drivers did you look up to and admire? 

I was never a ‘fan’ of anyone, but I thought that Michael Schumacher was very dedicated and committed. He won year in, year out and I had a lot of respect for him.  

In the world of rallying, it was Walter Röhrl and Nick Broom. I thought they were really fast. Later on, I was also a big fan of Juha Kankkunen because of his sitting position. And I liked Joachim Winkelhock. 

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What is your career highlight?   

Winning DTM. My first DTM title in 2004 is my highlight. It was my first big title and still my best memory from racing.   

What is your ideal holiday destination?  

Sweden in July. There is so much daylight, and it is normally the perfect temperature. The sky is blue, the water is warm, and you hardly see any darkness, so you can stay awake as much as you want.  

Is there anything that fans wouldn't know about you? 

There are a lot of secrets. People who get to know me well in private are often surprised when they know the real me because there are some things I don’t share with the public. I think it is important to have a private life away from the public eye and to not share everything with the media and those in racing. It’s good to have a little bit of mystery.