McLAREN Racing Social Media Community Code
At McLaren Racing, we recognise the importance of using social media to directly communicate and engage with our fans globally. Social media allows us to share our stories, hear your stories, and start conversations with people all over the world.
We understand the responsibilities that come with having a large social media following. It is important to McLaren Racing that fans can engage with us and each other in a respectful, positive, and safe environment.
We understand that social media can sometimes be an unpleasant place, where some people choose to bully, and abuse others and a minority use to spread hate.
McLaren Racing has a zero-tolerance policy on racism, homophobia, bullying, abuse, hate speech or discrimination of any kind on our social media channels. People participating in such actions are not welcome in our online community.
The McLaren Racing Social Media Community Code sets clear guidance on what is acceptable when engaging with us, our drivers, our team, and fellow fans. It also outlines what will not be tolerated. This is a collective effort, and we call on our fans to support us in our mission to create a welcoming, safe, and inclusive online environment for all.
Our official social media channels include, but are not limited to:
Guidance for fans
We are committed to creating a safe online environment across our social media channels and we ask that our fans support our mission by reflecting our values and beliefs when engaging with us and each other online.
Our commitment to you
While social media companies must work to prevent hateful, abusive, and discriminatory content appearing on their platforms, we will take the necessary action to protect our team members, drivers, partners, and fans.
McLaren Racing has a dedicated team actively monitoring comments posted on our social media channels and comments received via direct message. We will remove posts that breach our social media community guidelines, and block users that violate our policy.
While we take a proactive approach to dealing with comments and messages that violate our policy, due to the sheer volume of posts on our social media channels, there may be instances where you spot them before we do.
We will not tolerate any form of abuse or discrimination including:
• Racism
• Homophobia
• Sexism
• Hateful, abusive and offensive language
• Sexual harassment
• Incitement to violence
Your commitment to us
Block users and report incidents to social media platforms
You can block any user that is causing you harm or distress. If you encounter any abusive, hateful, or discriminatory comments online, we strongly advise that you report this directly to the respective social media platform where you witnessed the incident. Each platform has its own reporting procedure, and we would advise following their processes. You can find out more about reporting directly via the platforms here:
Report incidents to McLaren Racing
If you have witnessed something that you believe violates our community guidelines, you can report this to us at [email protected].
To support our investigations please provide the following:
• A screenshot of the content that you are reporting
• The date and time of posting
• The username of the perpetrator
• A link to the original McLaren post where the comment was left
We will investigate these reports on an individual basis before deciding on an appropriate course of action. Examples of these actions can include, but are not limited to:
• Removing posts/comments/messages.
• Blocking perpetrators from our social media channels.
• Reporting the account/user/comment to the relevant social media platform.
The decision on whether to take action will remain at our discretion. Any decision not to act does not constitute an endorsement by McLaren Racing of the content under complaint.
All reports will remain confidential and anonymous, and each report will be investigated on an individual basis. We will acknowledge your report and we will reach out if we require any further information from you. Every report is important to us, and we will investigate each one. Please note that it will not always be possible to provide an outcome, however, this does not mean that we have not investigated the report nor acted.
While we would discourage engaging with any offensive or abusive posts, we would suggest keeping a note of any comments or messages of this nature. You can keep a record of online abuse by taking a screen shot of the comment/message, be sure to include the author’s username and the time and date of posting. You can do this on your smartphone, tablet, laptop, or computer. Keeping a record would be helpful should you decide to report this later.
Where necessary, we will assist the authorities/police should they wish to act on any reports made by ourselves or our online community in relation to any behaviour that has occurred on our social media channels.
Report crimes to the Police
If you feel that you have been the victim of or have witnessed a crime on social media, you should report this to the police.